Law of Prosperity

Spirit never expresses itself other than pure perfection, therefore, whatever imperfections do exist are always the result of our individual or collective thoughts.  Because this is true, it is not necessary that you hold onto anything for fear of losing it.  In fact, you will never truly enjoy anything you must hold onto because freedom in all areas of your life is absolutely essential for you to grow into the truly great human being that you are able to become.

These obstructions that we harbor are doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation, including any negative ideas which have a tendency to block the flow of creative energy to and through you.


When we hold onto these obstructions, we are unable to make room for the image which we are trying to create. We must resolve to letting go of all of these obstructions so that we can make space in our lives for the good that we desire.

Make room for the new you that you are creating and for that which you desire. Allowing your mind to fill with things that you have no use for stalls your ability to achieve that which you want. Let go. Make space for all the good that is awaiting you.
Make room for new clothes – for the new you that you are creating.  Make room for that which you desire.  Not only do I encourage you to physically clean out your closet, I have metaphorically shown you how our minds get cluttered with those things that we no longer have a use for.  It is time to clean house and let go.  You must continuously make  space for the good that you desire – this is an exercise you will practice for the rest of your life. Let go of the old so you may make room for the new.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form and evaluate yourself regarding your doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation. Where can you choose differently in these areas?

ACTION STEP #2 ~ What is one area you can make space for the new? 

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Take Action! Let go of what might be holding you back and make space for the new and the good! 

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

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Integrity is based on what that one person perceives another with integrity really means.  Each of us has our own set of values and beliefs and therefore defining ones’ character as having or lacking integrity is subjective.

With that said, however you define integrity, I believe we all can agree that determining ones’ having integrity relies mostly on them standing for something and then staying on purpose with whatever that something is.  When one sways from that purpose and behaves in a way that is no longer in alignment with what they previously stood for, they can become labeled as being out of integrity.

Have you heard – Do as I say, not as I do?  Prime example of someone who does not stay on purpose with what they stand for and believe in.  If they did, then the saying would be do as I say and as I do.  If you are a parent, this is crucial.  Parents are modeling behavior for their children.  Actions speak louder than words.  Children pick up on those subtle behaviors and ignore lip service.

The same holds true with adult relationships.  Work or personal, it doesn’t matter.  People are savvy and see right through smoke screens.  Some may not be sophisticated enough or have the confidence to call another on it but when people exhibit a lack of integrity, out goes the trust factor too.  You can’t trust someone who doesn’t do as they say.  What they are telling you is that they don’t believe what their own advice is, either.

In the Personal Development industry, when you are seeking help from a coach or mentor, it is important to interview and get to know the person who will be advising and guiding you through a process. Ask questions about how this has helped them.  Find out what their values and beliefs are so you can match yourself with someone who has similar values and beliefs as you.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form and evaluate yourself regarding your Integrity.

ACTION STEP #2 ~ What is one step you can take to increase your level of integrity? Write it down and take action.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Take Action! Looking for a change, determine where in your life that increasing your integrity will impact the world around you.

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

Curious how the coaching process works? CONTACT US for a complimentary, introductory coaching appointment to experience the value of coaching.

Interested in growing your audience through blogging…check out the link to the right and WATCH IT NOW.’



GrowthSelf-knowledge is key to achieving growth.  Adopting others’ definitions of success as our own is not a formula for growth.  Our beliefs have a huge impact on how we perceive success and how we move forward.  Our values and beliefs may not match those of people we think are successful and therefore we need to be aware of what is truly important to us to achieve success.

Societies are made up of many differing types of people, each with their own strengths and weaknesses.  Some types are more suited for particular tasks and by understanding this, we can open our minds to our own growth potential.

Diving deeper into differing types of people, we can appreciate those gifts each has and that appreciation and understanding empowers us with the knowledge of why people react in certain situations.  Better understanding our environment and each other, we can work together toward a common goal.

Balance within us is crucial to our growth.  We have strengths and weaknesses that require equal billing to increase our awareness and understanding.  This means that focusing only on strengths and ignoring weaknesses causes an imbalance.  Recognizing strengths and weaknesses, embracing them and then supplementing weaknesses with others’ strengths in a team effort is highly effective.

The importance to growth is to not hide behind weaknesses but to embrace them, strengthen them either through inner reflection or by supplementing them in a team environment.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form  and evaluate yourself regarding your awareness of your strengths and weaknesses. 

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Make a list of your weaknesses. For each weakness, decide if this is an area where you can improve, or if this is an area where you can solicit the assistance of others.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Make a list of your strengths. Determine if you are utilizing your strengths to move you forward. How effective are you applying your strengths to achieve your goals?

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

Curious how the coaching process works? CONTACT US for a complimentary, introductory coaching appointment to experience the value of coaching.



Generosity is the selfless act of giving with no expectation of anything in return.  The beauty of being a generous person is that even though intentions are to receive nothing in return, the giver in fact receives tenfold.

How can that be?  Why if being generous is so fruitful more people would engage in this behavior?  Simple, in today’s society, we are accustomed to the hear and now –  at microwave speed.  I give you something and you give me something in return right now – today – this minute.  Immediate gratification.

If I donate my time and energy for a cause that is fundraising money to build clean water wells in Haiti, I won’t see the fruit of my labor today and in fact I may never see it in my lifetime.  But giving from my heart – giving knowing that a person who drinks from that well won’t be knocking on my door handing me a couple bucks for my time, but knowing that a person will one day be drinking clean healthy water and live a healthier better life because I took the time is worth more than a couple bucks.  I traded my time to help someone better their life.   And we may never meet.

I didn’t need that instant gratification.  What I got back was knowing that somewhere, someone in the future is benefiting from something I did today.  I gave of myself knowing I will not get anything tangible in return.  I gave from my heart.

We can give of ourselves each and every day by smiling at a stranger, helping an elderly person put groceries in their car, working at a food bank, shoveling a neighbor’s driveway, cutting someone’s lawn… that selfless act of paying it forward through generosity.  What a beautiful concept. I think this graphic displays the true results of generosity. Thanks to www.generositypath.comgenerosity-spiral-both-vertical

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form  to assess your generosity and find ways to increase it in your life. Also start monitoring how you are feeling during the opportunity to be generous. This can be through a daily journal. Document the feeling and assess the impact it is having on you reaching your goal.

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Develop a mindset of generosity. This does not have to be only financial. Be aware of what the feelings are when you are generous and when you withhold generosity.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Practice true generosity and watch how the world around you changes and what opportunities come into your life.

ACTION STEP BONUS – Be generous with this blog, share it and send it onto someone who you think might need these words today!

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

Curious how the coaching process works? CONTACT US for a no charge, introductory coaching appointment to experience the value of coaching.



Ask anyone you meet if they have ever been hurt by another.  You will hear a resounding YES! Now, ask how they handled the hurt and you will hear many different stories about resentment, revenge, internalizing, depression, anger, and sadness but few stories about forgiveness.  Why?  Why would anyone hold onto pain if they don’t have to?  What is it in our nature to harbor ill feelings or hold onto past pain?  Studies show that holding onto emotional pain transpires into physical illness.  Dis-ease has been linked to our mental well-being.  If we have the power to heal ourselves, where do we start?

Some call it letting go; others call it forgiving.  Not only forgiving others, but  forgiving ourselves.  Forgiving someone doesn’t mean denying the other person’s responsibility for hurting you.  Forgiving someone isn’t excusing the act.  Forgiveness is a practice for compassion, empathy, kindness and peace.

Forgiveness is letting go of the need for revenge and releasing negative thoughts of bitterness and resentment.

For some people, the beginning stage or a beginning stage of forgiveness is anger. They feel angry at someone who did or said something to them in a way that brought about harm or pain or sadness or disappointment. We feel stung and pained.  Sometimes surprised. Burned. Crushed. Upset. Stunned.

The anger we hold exists as a response to pain that has been inflicted or that we feel has been inflicted on us. We can stay stuck in this angry place for a long time. In fact, some people stay there forever. And I angerdon’t have to tell you that being stuck in anger is not fun. In fact, it can suck the life out of a person. It can be all consuming in the most negative way.

Holding pain inside is a breeding ground for negative feelings.  Negative feelings in turn come out through anger, resentment, and the desire to seek vengeance.  Negative feelings also keep us from enjoying the present; turning into depression and anxiety ultimately sabotaging those relationships we hold so dear.

Most people hold in these feelings, the pain, the anger, keeping the negativity and the poison inside, allowing it to grow and fester and expand. The strength of the anger is in direct proportion to the amount of pain, of anger, that we hold inside. Don’t get me wrong, anger is not always a bad thing. We need to feel it in order to eventually let it go. Trying to hide the anger or stuff it way down or dismiss it is not going to make it go away. In fact, it is going to make it worse. Because it is only once we allow ourselves to feel the anger and acknowledge what it feels like, and that we feel it in the first place, we can set the stage for letting it go. And only through letting it go can we truly forgive. The opposite of letting it go is holding it tight and allowing it to eat us alive.  The opposite of letting it go is withholding love. It is holding on to little complaints and little grievances one at a time. Maybe slowly, but certainly surely, we start to become toxic around this issue. And this issue can and often does spawn off additional other issues. The more this cycle continues, the more your growth is stunted. Your dreams are thwarted. Your energy is sapped and sucked out until you have little left for yourself or anyone else.

Practicing forgiveness is a commitment to change.  Moving away from a victim role and taking a more proactive and positive stance on your well-being will move you toward a more peaceful and enjoyable life.


Sometimes an act seems unforgivable.  Place yourself in their shoes.  Consider how you would have reacted or behaved if it were you. Accept that we are all human and have occasional imperfections. With any decision to make a change, journaling is an easy way to document and reflect on your feelings, which will help move you toward your goal.

Forgiveness is within you, there is no guarantee it will change the offender or future acts and therefore it is important for you to know that forgiving someone may not give you the immediate outcome you desire – this is an internal practice that will ultimately change your external world – it is a personal practice and not a means to change someone else.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form and evaluate yourself regarding forgiveness and assess where these might be stopping you!

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Determine who must be forgiven.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Take Action! Go to those that need to be forgiven…….and remember to look at starting with yourself first!

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

Curious how the coaching process works? CONTACT US for a no charge, introductory coaching appointment to experience the value of coaching.


Fear is critical to our survival!

It keeps us protected from legitimate threats and danger.  If we only had life threatening fears, we’d be a very different society.  Instead, we have additional irrational fears based on traumas, bad experiences, or those all too often handed down fears from our ill-advised relatives.the_closet_monster_1600_clr_5623

Looking at your fears, take a quick inventory in your head of what you are afraid of.  Heights is usually at the top of the list and a legitimate fear, although some go to extremes, but there is a danger element in falling.  What else makes your list?  Wild animals? Spiders? Rejection? Pain? Flying? Swimming? Public Speaking? Relationships? People? The color blue?

Fears are thoughts that we create based on experiences either that we have had or others have had and have imprinted onto our minds.  Yes, sometimes we accept and take on the fears of others. These fears are created, perpetuated and held in our minds, sometimes even becoming too intense and then we develop anxieties and find our fears crippling our progress.

One definition of Fear I have heard and really like is False Evidence Appearing Real!

By giving in and accepting our fears, we cannot move forward.  We cannot grow.  We are stopped in our tracks.  For example, fear of failure is common in varying degrees.  It keeps people from progressing in their careers, relationships, commitments.  People who exhibit this fear tend to stay in dead end jobs, stay in bad marriages, take the hand that’s dealt to them.  Accepting life as is and not daring to risk failing, so why bother, why try?  How about fear of rejection?  I’m not good enough anyway… I can’t do that job, I don’t have the credentials or experience and they won’t like me anyway…

I have also seen a fear of success stop people. I love this quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.” ~ Marianne Williamson

So frustrating, right?  We all know someone like this.  Maybe it’s us?  Maybe we need a little push, a little self confidence, a realization that the fear we carry with us is made up, make believe. We can change our thinking and let go of whatever trauma we hold on to that makes the fear so real – so tangible – so part of our lives that we accepted long ago that it just is.

The key to to let go of fearSometimes we need help from others to work through our fears.  A great coaching relationship will help us address and move past these fears. Sometimes we need a trusting mentor to show us the way, to gently guide us on our journey and break free of these fear chains we have grown to “love” so much. It is very hard to rid ourselves of these fears on our own…why cause they are our fears!

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Formand evaluate yourself regarding fear and assess where these might be stopping you!

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Determine the validity of those fears. Are they irrational fears? Are they fears that you can overcome with help?

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Consider a coach or mentor to work with you to overcome these fears and move past the barriers that stop you from achieving your full potential.

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

JOIN US TODAY in one of our MasterMind Groups, Courses or one-on-one Coaching.

CONTACT US for a no charge , introductory coaching appointment.


10337420Enthusiasm is that place between perseverance and defeat.  It is what makes someone stay motivated and keep going and others give up and quit.  Enthusiasm.

So how does one get it and how does one keep it?  Look at your own life experiences to times when you lost your desire to work at something whether it was a marriage, a career, or something less dramatic as painting a room.  So you didn’t finish the room or you were too tired to touch up the trim.  Maybe you don’t call it quitting because it is insignificant on the giant spectrum of life but with something like a marriage or career, the results could be disastrous.

Imagine you want something so wonderful – so out of reach – anything – a car, a career, a house, a spouse, a smaller waistline, whatever it is – imagine it.  Do you feel energy inside you – don’t worry about how you will get it – just imagine it.  The how isn’t important – release that from your mind.  OK, you have that image now.  Now think about that every day.  That image.  Keep that image alive.  Every time you think about it you can add more detail to it.  If it were a house, you can start to add furniture and accessorize the house.  The color of the walls, the carpet or tile or wood flooring.  The light fixtures.  Every time you think about it feel the energy.  That energy is enthusiasm.

So now you know what that feels like – let’s build on that feeling and keep it alive.  You have a job to do, some task, and you aren’t feeling too motivated or enthusiastic about it.  You can use self-talk to give you energy.  You know that if you do it now you will be grateful later.  You know that this task is the right thing to do and the benefits will outweigh the energy spent on the task now.  Focus on the end result to build your motivation.

Sustain enthusiasm by understanding what the outcome is to your actions.  Enthusiasm is an emotion that you show and feel and sometimes when you aren’t feeling so enthusiastic about something, you can pretend to be and the more you pretend, you trick your mind into believing that you actually are enthusiastic.  It is a phenomenon that will help you sustain your enthusiasm when you aren’t feeling very motivated or full of energy.

Being enthusiastic about a task at hand will spill into other areas of your life and you will see that your positive enthusiastic attitude will lighten up a room.  You will become that person others are drawn to.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Evaluation Form  to assess enthusiasm and find ways to increase it in your life. Also start monitoring how you are feeling during times of trials and tribulations. This can be through a daily journal. Document the  feeling and assess the impact it is having on you reaching your goal.

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Develop a mantra, saying or some way to break the defeating emotion and bring back the excitement and enthusiasm.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Practice true enthusiasm and watch how the tasks become easier and more fun!

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

JOIN US TODAY in one of our MasterMind Groups, Courses or one-on-one Coaching.

CONTACT US for a no charge , introductory coaching appointment.

Starting the New Year Off on the Right Foot ~ Part Five Setting Goals


Ok, we are here…we are at that defining moment where we are going to start to put those goals down into a plan.

First, let’s review.

Our first step is that we are committed to change. We are not going to live our life the way we have. Hmmm, maybe the Mayans were right, the World Has Ended as We Knew It.

Second, we reviewed our past year to see what we accomplished and what we didn’t. What we are proud of and what choices we made.

Third, we evaluated our Attitude of Gratitude. We started to think with an Abundant mindset. We opened the door for the Law of Attraction.

Fourth, we evaluated and discussed Life Balance, understanding that it truly is a myth; that we must have a Life Plan in order to move forward to success.

Now we move to the actual process of defining our goals for 2013.

1. WRITE THEM DOWN. An amazing thing happens in the mind when we write, not type, but write these goals down. In the book “Think and Grow Rich” Napoleon Hill talks about the power of reducing your plan to writing.  The process of writing your plan down will take an idea, a thought, the intangible and bring it into existence.

These goals need to be specific and defined as accurate as possible. These goals need to have a defined time of achievement. A goal without a deadline is nothing more than a dream!

Use the S.M.A.R.T. criteria for defining these goals:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time Sensitive

2. SUSPEND THE NEED FOR KNOWING HOW.  In some cases this might mean suspending reality or being “realist.” It means being a Dreamer. images-3

James Allen in his book “As A Man Thinketh” states ” The dreamers are the saviors of the world.” Dreams are what brings the invisible into the visible. Think about where we would be if it were not for the dreamers, the ones that did not get stopped by “not knowing how.” The Wright Brothers are one example of this. Not only did they not know how to fly, but they didn’t know how to land it. But, that did not stop them from achieving their goal of flying.

3. GO BIG. Most people set their goals and resolutions at a level they feel they know they can achieve. A goal needs to be large enough to stretch us, to make us reach and grow. Remember, we talked about that in setting a goal, it is not in the achievement of the goal, but who we must become to achieve the goal.

Our mind cannot differentiate between big or small, it will give you what you ask for. There are many great quotes about seeing with the mind and achieving with the body. Remember Dreaming, Going Big, takes no more effort than a small goal.

God has placed inside you GREATNESS! We are the ones that limit that. If we think small – we will get small, if we think big – we will get big.

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” 

4. BE POSITIVE IN YOUR LANGUAGE. The way we phrase these goals become very important for our mind to accept them and achieve them. Some Do’s & Don’ts.


  • I don’t want to be poor
  • I don’t want to be fat
  • I want to be rich
  • I want to be healthy


  • I am financially independent by earning $150,000.00 in 2013
  • I am at my healthy weight of 165 lbs
  • I am in a loving relationship with my spouse without drama

This positive language again engages the mind into action. The mind does not know the difference between what you want or don’t want.

5. ENSURE YOUR GOAL IS YOUR GOAL. In John Maxwell’s book “Put Your Dream to the Test,” he talks about the Ownership Question. The ownership question asks, “Is my dream really my dream?” Many times what we do is for others; dreams, goals and achievements are to try and make others happy, our parents, our spouse, our friends, our co-workers. In the end, our dreams and goals will only be achieved if they are ours!

“Whatever you think, be sure it is what you think;

whatever you want, be sure that it is what you want;

whatever you feel, be sure that it is what you feel.

~ T.S. Eliot

6. ENSURE YOUR GOALS ARE CONGRUENT WITH YOUR VALUES. This subject alone can be a whole discussion. One of the things in today’s world that might be lacking, might be keeping us out of balance, is that what we do is not in alignment with who we are.

The question is do you have your values defined and written down, where you can reference them in times of difficulty? If not, then that needs to be your next step, define these.

Darren Hardy has a great free assessment at

7. THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. What I mean by this is when you are going through this process and working on your goals, what are you saying to yourself? Many times we talk ourselves out of accomplishment, we have that little voice…… know that little voice that says something like, “what do you think you are doing?” or “who do you think you are” or “you can earn that much,” or “only educated people with degrees can earn that much.” images-4

These are called limiting beliefs. I call them anchors. We drag them around. We know they are there and we let them stop us from achieving our greatness. Wait…is it there?

We can overcome these with affirmations and thoughts, but first you must be aware of them. Right now you may not even be aware they are there and ruling your life. These sometimes come out as fears. The only way to push past these is with faith. Faith and Fear cannot occupy the same space. By the way, any idea what fear stands for? False Evidence Appearing Real

8. DO NOT QUIT! We must remember that we are where we are by making the choices we have made. Some of those choices have been to stop pursuing our DREAMS and GOALS! Now is the time that you can make a course correction. The past is in the past, all we have is today!

A wise friend of mine used to say that there is a reason the rear view mirror is smaller then the windshield; because we are not going that way!

9. EXPERIMENT. I challenge you to try this out for six months. Define the goals, work the plan and grow into who you need to be to achieve them. Remember, you will meet with resistance, both from others in your life, but maybe mostly you! See, we get very comfortable in our lives, we are resistant to change. I heard somebody once said that the only one who likes change is a wet baby!

But, in order for us to change our lives, we must change! Remember………..”Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~Albert Einstein

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Do the steps listed above

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Do the steps listed above


As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

JOIN US TODAY in one of our MasterMind Groups, Courses or one-on-one Coaching.

CONTACT US for a no charge , introductory coaching appointment.

Special thanks and acknowledgment to Darren Hardy for his products and commitment to our growth and success

End of the World as We Know It

end of the worldIf you are reading this, that means that the world did not end for you on December 21st. I guess the Mayans were wrong! Or were they?myan graphic



Everyone from scientists to cultists and other “Experts” knew that the 21st was it? End of the World As We Know It.

There were all kinds of suggestions from maxing out your credit cards; hope you didn’t take that one, to living something from your bucket list.

I say they were right! I say that the world as we have known it has ended and we now have the opportunity to create a New World!

I am sure that many of you will be asking……..”How Do I Do That?” That my friend, does not matter! The HOW does not matter, it is the doing that makes the difference. The important thing here is that we seize this opportunity and move forward. Let’s set out on that.

Let Go of the Past – Too many of us still live in the past and let that create our future. We think about our failures and how we do not want to repeat them. We have fears. Fears of looking bad, or fears of standing out, or worse yet fears of succeeding. Some of this comes from not learning from our past, not harvesting the good and leaving the bad.

Choose Truth over Facts – What are the difference you ask? FACTS are what comes from your past, these are the “things” that have happened in your life. Unfortunately, a lot of those are not the TRUTH, they are just FACTS, but we give meaning to these FACTS and let them run our lives. We call them our circumstances!

We are programmed to believe these facts as who we are. An example would be, our family not having money. We may have been told that we didn’t deserve to have money. As we move into our adult life and we start to achieve success, we start to grow, start to build our life, we start to build our business, this belief that we don’t deserve money, which is our measurement of success in today’s world comes into play. If we believe this FACT,and it is more powerful than the TRUTH, we may sabotage our success.

With that in mind, what is the TRUTH? That is something you and only you can answer. The TRUTH for me is that I am a creation of God, empowered and fully resourced to achieve my full potential in life and in line with my purpose! That for me is the TRUTH. I challenge you to discover your TRUTH.

Make Choices that are In-Line with YOUR TRUTH ~ This is the way to create and move forward in your life. If we are to live in the past and let our circumstances determine our future, then we are most likely not going to achieve the success that we truly desire, the success that our spirit tells us that we can achieve.

Remember, our life is the result of our choices. If you don’t believe that, look back and see where you have made some choices and then the results. Ask yourself “what would have happened if I were to have chosen differently?”

Live your Life by Design not Life by Default ~ Most of us go through life on a schedule; we wake up, we make coffee, we shower and we drive to work the same way every day. We go to our job with a mindset of “Have To” rather than “Want To.” I ask you to consider taking on designing your day, your week and your life?

At this point is where I bet that little guy comes out and maybe asks something like……”Hey, play the cards that were dealt to you!” Or “Who do you think you are?” Each person has their own little voice…….You know, that little voice that is asking right now…”What little voice?”

Unfortunately, for many of us this “Little Voice” is the one that stops us from achieving success, taking the risk needed to move forward.

Remembering the Future ~ A great mentor of mine, Paul Martinelli, talks about remembering the future and then living from it. Believe it or not, this is just as easy as remembering our past and living from that. Our sub-consious mind does not know any difference. It only knows what we create and then gives us that life.

If we were to create a story, a story of how our future looks; if we were to write this story out as if it had happened, what would it sound like? What would it look like and what would be the feelings that it would generate inside you?

For me, I use this when I have an event, a meeting or now almost on a daily basis. I am creating what my day looks like the night before.

You may ask:

  • Does this work?
  • Does it ALWAYS go that way?
  • What happens when it doesn’t?
  • How do I control it?

The answers are SOMETIMES and NO, there is never an always or a never, respond instead of react, and I CAN’T control all circumstances. But in writing this story, it gives me the feelings that I need to maintain in order for me to be successful and not fall into my FACTS. In the end, feelings and emotions are what drives us. Feeling and emotions are energy and energy is what controls our world.

Think of it this way: E-Motion, energy in motion and it is motion, moving forward towards our goals that moves us towards success.

“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.” ~ Henry David Thoreau

Oh, and the last thing that I get asked……”Is this Easy?”………..NO! But it is worth it!

Beter Choices

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Decide if you will continue to live in your world or create a New World.

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Take a deep look and determine if you are living from the past or the future.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Please share with this community your insights.

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

JOIN US TODAY in one of our MasterMind Groups, Courses or one-on-one Coaching.

CONTACT US for a no charge , introductory coaching appointment.

This post is dedicated to my mentor and friend Paul Martinelli.

Flip The Switch

FLIP THE SWITCH, what does that make you think of?

A light switch, a power switch?

You’re right, that is where most of us go to when we hear that.

When we FLIP THE SWITCH and send power, what happens? The light comes on. We can now see where we are at; we are no longer stumbling in the dark. If it is a power switch, then whatever it is connected to can now operate. Flipping the switch can hold a multitude of uses.

What I propose, is to have you start thinking about is FLIPPING THE SWITCH on your belief! When we FLIP THE SWITCH on our belief in ourselves, it works the same as the light bulb. There is no more stumbling in the dark, our purpose becomes clear and visible. The path for our life is bright and the futrue becomes visible, our path is lighted!

Most of us fall short of obtaining our potential because of a lack of belief. A lack of belief in ourselves, the process, others in our team, or who knows what other “Limiting Beliefs” we have. We have become so accustomed to having our “imperfections” drummed into us, yet, until we FLIP THE SWITCH on our BELIEF in ourselves, that we can accomplish anything we set our mind to, our life will not change!

Dr. Wayne Dyers was quoted, “When we look at the way we look at things, the things we look at will change.” FLIPPING THE SWITCH on your belief can be this change. This light can cast a different light on your life.

When I researched the definition of belief here is what I found:

Belief is:

  1. a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing.
  2. something believedespecially : a tenet or body of tenets held by a group.
  3. conviction of the truth of some statement or the reality of some being or phenomenon especially when based on examination of evidence.

Nowhere in the definition is there a positive or negative, it is just belief! A positive belief can inspire us to reach great heights or if it is a limiting belief it can stop us, in some cases, can even stop us from trying.

Sometimes we have to see, feel and touch something before we believe it. This is where faith comes into being alongside belief. We must have faith that what we believe, we can accomplish.

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Let me relate a story about Thomas Edison. Edison was a dreamer, someone who didn’t know the word failure. He had been unsuccessful over 1100 times to create the incandescent light bulb.

After he was successful, many people still did not even believe in the electricity it would take to power this “Great Invention.”

Many people told him he couldn’t succeed and to give up, but he didn’t! He believed and had faith that he could invent a product that was safer than the gas lamps and other forms of lighting currently being used.

There were three men who themselves and others consider as “experts” and “wise.” One dark night these men were invited to the Edison Electric Company to see a demonstration of the electric power and the light bulb.

It was very widely known that these three men were very skeptical about the “reality” of electricity. They denied it’s existence because they could not see it with their own eyes. These men were rationalists, or sometimes we call them realists. They were not dreamers, they could not even fathom something they could not see… was their belief.

As they entered the dark room they were met by a representative of Edison Electric. As they looked around the room they saw a table with a small candle, a light bulb and a leather bound book. This book was called The Owner’s Manual and it was published by the Edison Company. The representative explained that the light bulb had the power to illuminate a large area and all it took was a flip of the switch.

He further went on to explain how electricity was a modern marvel and to see it demonstrated, all they had to do was FLIP THE SWITCH. They would be amazed how it would light up the entire room. He told them the manual on the table would give them further instructions. He then left the room.

All the men needed to do was FLIP THE SWITCH to be able to “see” the power of electricity. Instead, they sat down and started to cynically look over the manual.

This manual was a biographical sketch of the inventor Thomas Edison. The book also contained chapters on:

  • Positions of the switch.
  • Background on how electricity was discovered.
  • Pictures of dams and other hydroelectric processes that could turn moving water into power.
  • Diagrams of copper wiring and magnets.
  • Explanations of how electrical wiring carried the power to homes and businesses.
  • Illustrations of electrical sockets, power cords and other accessories.

As they continued to read, it was as if the lamp on the table was not even there, it did not exist to them…..all they had to do was FLIP THE SWITCH to see the power in action. As they read, they just kept saying “I don’t believe it exists.” “I’ve never seen it. How can something invisible produce light?”

The book detailed how Edison had invented the light bulb, they didn’t agree. The book talked about his wife Mary, and they knew his wife’s name was Mina. They continued to find all the “discrepancies” that would discredit this man, this Genius! As they saw it, the owner’s manual was filled with mistakes and lies. Therefore this marvel could not be true, could not exist!

The men closed the book and stepped out of the room without ever Flipping The Switch to see electricity.

You may ask what does that have to do with me? Ask yourself, do you gather evidence to support your greatness or your limitations? Do you blame others and circumstances or do you have total faith and belief in yourself, in your greatness, perfection and wholeness.

Socrates once said “The quality of person’s life will be in direct proportion to the quality of questions he is willing to ask himself.” Lets ask ourselves a few questions:

ASK YOURSELF: What do I believe about me?

ASK YOURSELF: Who do I believe myself to be?

ASK YOURSELF: What do I believe that limits me from taking action?

ASK YOURSELF: What can I do RIGHT NOW to change that belief? How can I FLIP THE SWITCH?

Please share with us how you are FLIPPING THE SWITCH in your life on your belief.

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

JOIN US TODAY in one of our MasterMind Groups, Courses or one-on-one Coaching.

CONTACT US for a no charge , introductory coaching appointment.

Special thanks to Ray Comfort and the inspiration for this post from his book “How to Know God Exists”