Law of Prosperity

Spirit never expresses itself other than pure perfection, therefore, whatever imperfections do exist are always the result of our individual or collective thoughts.  Because this is true, it is not necessary that you hold onto anything for fear of losing it.  In fact, you will never truly enjoy anything you must hold onto because freedom in all areas of your life is absolutely essential for you to grow into the truly great human being that you are able to become.

These obstructions that we harbor are doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation, including any negative ideas which have a tendency to block the flow of creative energy to and through you.


When we hold onto these obstructions, we are unable to make room for the image which we are trying to create. We must resolve to letting go of all of these obstructions so that we can make space in our lives for the good that we desire.

Make room for the new you that you are creating and for that which you desire. Allowing your mind to fill with things that you have no use for stalls your ability to achieve that which you want. Let go. Make space for all the good that is awaiting you.
Make room for new clothes – for the new you that you are creating.  Make room for that which you desire.  Not only do I encourage you to physically clean out your closet, I have metaphorically shown you how our minds get cluttered with those things that we no longer have a use for.  It is time to clean house and let go.  You must continuously make  space for the good that you desire – this is an exercise you will practice for the rest of your life. Let go of the old so you may make room for the new.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form and evaluate yourself regarding your doubt, guilt, resentment, and thoughts of lack or limitation. Where can you choose differently in these areas?

ACTION STEP #2 ~ What is one area you can make space for the new? 

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Take Action! Let go of what might be holding you back and make space for the new and the good! 

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

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ImaginationImagination is defined as the act of forming a mental picture of something that is not present to the sense or has never been completely perceived in reality.  Every thing around us started as an idea stemming from someone’s imagination.

Think about the computer, cell phone, bed, airplane, fork… no matter how insignificant or complex something may seem to you now, it started as an idea formed from an imagination.

Imagination is what allows us to have plan Bs for survival.  We can imagine all sorts of scenarios and possibilities and then develop plans.  Through discovery, we get ideas no matter how fantasy or reality based they are.  Then through justification, we assemble objective evidence to formulate possibilities.  Therefore, imagination not only creates ideas but also justifies them to allow action to be taken.

Imagination contributes to knowledge growth through learning from mistakes.  When we make mistakes and take a moment to reflect on what happened, we then begin to imagine what could have happened if we had taken a different action.

Imagination is what allows us to create a life we wish we had.  By exercising that magnificent mental muscle, we can change the outcome through our creative imagination by taking a moment and really imaging what it is we want – with clear details and practicing this everyday until what was once an idea becomes our reality.

Without imagination we wouldn’t have all of the things around us.  Take the light bulb; Thomas Edison worked diligently on perfecting a commercially manufactured light bulb.  He imagined that it was possible and eventually achieved success.  He has been quoted as saying “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”  What if he had not used his imagination and believed in the possibility?


ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form and evaluate yourself regarding your imagination.

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Take a deep look at your ability to Imagine and Dream. Assess and determine the impact this level of ability is having on your life.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Are you fully engaged in and do you take time to Imagine and Dream; if you answered no……Take Action to Imagine and Dream!

Don’t know how or would like to learn more, check out our EMPOWERMENT MENTORING PROGRAM.

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

Curious how the coaching process works? CONTACT US for a complimentary, introductory coaching appointment to experience the value of coaching.



Ask anyone you meet if they have ever been hurt by another.  You will hear a resounding YES! Now, ask how they handled the hurt and you will hear many different stories about resentment, revenge, internalizing, depression, anger, and sadness but few stories about forgiveness.  Why?  Why would anyone hold onto pain if they don’t have to?  What is it in our nature to harbor ill feelings or hold onto past pain?  Studies show that holding onto emotional pain transpires into physical illness.  Dis-ease has been linked to our mental well-being.  If we have the power to heal ourselves, where do we start?

Some call it letting go; others call it forgiving.  Not only forgiving others, but  forgiving ourselves.  Forgiving someone doesn’t mean denying the other person’s responsibility for hurting you.  Forgiving someone isn’t excusing the act.  Forgiveness is a practice for compassion, empathy, kindness and peace.

Forgiveness is letting go of the need for revenge and releasing negative thoughts of bitterness and resentment.

For some people, the beginning stage or a beginning stage of forgiveness is anger. They feel angry at someone who did or said something to them in a way that brought about harm or pain or sadness or disappointment. We feel stung and pained.  Sometimes surprised. Burned. Crushed. Upset. Stunned.

The anger we hold exists as a response to pain that has been inflicted or that we feel has been inflicted on us. We can stay stuck in this angry place for a long time. In fact, some people stay there forever. And I angerdon’t have to tell you that being stuck in anger is not fun. In fact, it can suck the life out of a person. It can be all consuming in the most negative way.

Holding pain inside is a breeding ground for negative feelings.  Negative feelings in turn come out through anger, resentment, and the desire to seek vengeance.  Negative feelings also keep us from enjoying the present; turning into depression and anxiety ultimately sabotaging those relationships we hold so dear.

Most people hold in these feelings, the pain, the anger, keeping the negativity and the poison inside, allowing it to grow and fester and expand. The strength of the anger is in direct proportion to the amount of pain, of anger, that we hold inside. Don’t get me wrong, anger is not always a bad thing. We need to feel it in order to eventually let it go. Trying to hide the anger or stuff it way down or dismiss it is not going to make it go away. In fact, it is going to make it worse. Because it is only once we allow ourselves to feel the anger and acknowledge what it feels like, and that we feel it in the first place, we can set the stage for letting it go. And only through letting it go can we truly forgive. The opposite of letting it go is holding it tight and allowing it to eat us alive.  The opposite of letting it go is withholding love. It is holding on to little complaints and little grievances one at a time. Maybe slowly, but certainly surely, we start to become toxic around this issue. And this issue can and often does spawn off additional other issues. The more this cycle continues, the more your growth is stunted. Your dreams are thwarted. Your energy is sapped and sucked out until you have little left for yourself or anyone else.

Practicing forgiveness is a commitment to change.  Moving away from a victim role and taking a more proactive and positive stance on your well-being will move you toward a more peaceful and enjoyable life.


Sometimes an act seems unforgivable.  Place yourself in their shoes.  Consider how you would have reacted or behaved if it were you. Accept that we are all human and have occasional imperfections. With any decision to make a change, journaling is an easy way to document and reflect on your feelings, which will help move you toward your goal.

Forgiveness is within you, there is no guarantee it will change the offender or future acts and therefore it is important for you to know that forgiving someone may not give you the immediate outcome you desire – this is an internal practice that will ultimately change your external world – it is a personal practice and not a means to change someone else.

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Utilize the Lesson Evaluation Form and evaluate yourself regarding forgiveness and assess where these might be stopping you!

ACTION STEP #2 ~ Determine who must be forgiven.

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Take Action! Go to those that need to be forgiven…….and remember to look at starting with yourself first!

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

If you are ready to take your personal growth to the next level, JOIN US TODAY!

Curious how the coaching process works? CONTACT US for a no charge, introductory coaching appointment to experience the value of coaching.



Mind Power2

Behavior defined can be a physical thing one does such as a morning routine and it can be non-physical such as replaying negative thoughts all day long.   A few behaviors are instinctual and built in while the rest are learned through meeting needs.  What this means is that our behaviors are motivated by our needs and therefore we can be manipulated as well as manipulate to have our needs met.

So when we have negative behaviors and we want to change them, we find it isn’t always so easy because these learned behavior that we exhibit are actually rather complex.

There are two types of motivation – the motivation to approach something and the motivation to avoid something.  When we desire something, we are motivated to approach it therefore receiving positive reinforcement or feedback.  When we avoid something, we are motivated to move away from it or we will receive negative reinforcement or feedback.  This is pretty simple.  We understand that when we eat something sweet, most of us have a pleasant experience and when we eat something sour, our faces pucker and we try to avoid that experience again.

But let’s look at those things we approach or avoid because the thing doesn’t create that behavior, we do.  Some people desire the adrenaline rush of jumping out of an airplane. It is exhilarating – it is something they repeat again and again as it has a positive affect on them and they desire that and are motivated to seek that experience.  Some people avoid even the thought of getting on an airplane due to their learned fears that it will absolutely crash and they will die no matter what statisticians say – forget purposefully jumping out of a perfectly good airplane!  Did the airplane create these behaviors?  No!  We learned them.  And each of us react differently to different things, experiences, tastes, smells, thoughts, etc.  All because of our own personal thoughts and behaviors.

stick_figure_check_cancel_800_clr_7072So how do you change your behaviors?  Your thoughts?  Let’s say you want to become a public speaker but you are petrified of speaking in front of people.  How can you overcome this fear, build confidence, perform and knock it out of the park?  You have to change your behavior so that you are motivated to approach public speaking effortlessly without turning into a sweaty mess.

Practice.  Anything you try for the first time will be clumsy and awkward, maybe even difficult.  By practicing your speech – over and over again until it is so engrained in you and flows off your tongue as if it is just another story you are telling a friend, you build your confidence to speak to several friends or a small group… until you are ready to speak to a large audience.  Practice.

Shaping.  Practice your speech and ask your audience (family members, friends, mentor, coach) for feedback.  Try giving it several different ways.  Break down the speech into bits and mix it up.  All the while correcting your approach and delivery until you shape your presentation and performance.

Chaining.  Very good and effective speeches, keynote talks, sales pitches… are complex.  They are made up of many components within the speech to get you to the end result you desire – sell a product or service, teach a thought or program, build rapport with your audience, create new clients, whatever your end result is, your speech has to be built on a frame and chaining is how you piece it together so there is a natural flow, a rhythm that mesmerizes the audience. Think about a really good comedian who gets up on stage and tells little stories for the whole set and the last story wraps up and circles back to the first story – bringing the evening to a close so naturally and you give a standing ovation because you were mesmerized by how good he was – he practiced, shaped each story or joke, chained them all together and brought it to a close.

By using these techniques, you can change an old behavior that you don’t want for a new one that you do want.  Whatever you want to change, practice your new desired behavior, shape the new behavior by approaching it in different ways and ask for feedback all the while tweaking it, chain all the components of the new skills you are now mastering together and now you have successfully changed your behavior.

In the last post we talked about the evaluation of our thoughts and how they related to our results….Now take those answers and…..

ACTION STEP #1 ~ Determine if your behaviors match the desired results.

ACTION STEP #2 ~ If not what behaviors need to change?

ACTION STEP #3 ~ Utilize the three step formula of Practice, Shaping and Chaining to obtain the desired behavior that will move you closer to achieving your goals!

As you read this, TODAYRIGHT NOW can be one of those DECISION POINTS. Today can be the day you discover your potential. Today can be the day you spread your wings and start SOARING! All it takes is DEFINING the VISION, DISCIPLINING the FOCUS and ACHIEVING POSITIVE LEGACY!

Build on Belief ~ Go Big Today!

Notice – Act – Navigate – Create – Yield Results

JOIN US TODAY in one of our MasterMind Groups, Courses or one-on-one Coaching.

CONTACT US for a no charge , introductory coaching appointment.